The Reason for Christmas is WHAT?

Rick Warren a man who claims to be a pastor. Rick Warren a man who claims to be a pastor with the opportunity to proclaim the wonderful gospel of our Lord and Savior. I don't want to wreck it for you, but he fails once again to proclaim the Biblical Jesus. I'm starting to think like my pastor friend Trevor Peck, that Rick Warren doesn't really know what the gospel is.
Have I said that he claims to be a pastor! Please pray for Rick because the real reason for Christimas is found in Isaiah 53. He came to die because somebody had to pay our penalty. Its called SIN.
He is not our buddy
He is not our cosmic bunny
He is not a genie in a bottle
He is not a get out of jail free card
He is not to be returned in 60 days day
He did not come so I could open Him up on Christmas morning
He is not to be sold back because you don't like Him as a gift
He came to please and to do His Fathers will, and to bring Him GLORY

And most of all He came to bare the wrath of the Father for our sin. why? because He loves those whom He created in His image. You and Me

Praise Him this Christmas not as Rick says "try Him out for 60 days". But as Christians who are thankful and grateful for His sovereign sacrifice, the gift of eternal value.

Jesus paid a price that He did not owe, for a debt that we could never pay back. I am sinners saved by grace, and only grace. Thats what the purpose of Christmas means pastor Rick Warren.

If you don't agree with me look for yourself: Go to my friends blog and watch the gospel NOT being proclaimed by pastor Rick Warren


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