Showing posts from July, 2014
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John 14:12-31 Nothing makes the heart feel better knowing that help is on the way! I can recall numerous times of needing help and the peace it brings to knowing help was on the way. The time when my alternator died on the way home from the drive in. The time when I got stuck in the mud at Brighton Speedway. The time when I saw the Roadrunners Tow truck pulling in behind a broken down van when we started out on our vacation. There is a sense of peace and joy that overtakes your heart when help comes. The sound of sirens as they approach your burning house, a distressing call, health reasons. There is a certain peace that takes over when you’re troubled at heart. Go back a few years when 33 miners were trapped in a Chilean mine deep under the earth’s surface. Can you imagine what they went through? I wonder if they felt totally lost and doomed to a slow and painful death. Now fast forward when help finally received the word that h...
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John 14:7-11 I don’t know about you, but I find it’s absolutely amazing sometimes that we can be so familiar with something or someone and yet somehow be ignorant or insensitive to things and people around us. It seems so contradictory to know, and yet not to know, at the same time. How often have we heard the statement, “I thought I knew everything there was to know about that person? But I've discovered I really didn't know them at all.” That statement simply reveals that it is possible to know a person, and yet not really notice all of the complex qualities of their personality; just as so many people do when you think of Jesus Christ. Maybe you struggle with who Jesus is? Maybe, you've said this statement “I thought I knew everything there was to know about that person? But I’ve discovered I really didn’t know them at all.” Maybe you felt that way? I thought I knew him, but I really didn’t. Maybe we’re not so...
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John 13:36-38 Pride is a terrible thing and the bible says pride always goes before a fall. Solomon wrote these words of wisdom…… “Pride goes before destruction [a fracture, or a crash] , And a haughty [proud, arrogant] spirit before a fall.” Prov 16:18. What does that mean? As it did in the angels that sinned against God in the beginning. As Adam and Eve who, were not content with their present state and circumstances, fell to the desire to be gods, knowing good and evil. It also means that our ignorance can sometimes cloud our judgement and our limitations. Because we think we can handle anything life throws at us. But as the Proverbs says, there will be a fall if were not careful to recognize our inabilities apart from Christ and Holy Spirits work in our lives. Paul warned the Christian church about this…… “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” 1 Cor 10:22. Don’t take the liberties and the grac...