Romans 6:15-23


Who is the master of your life?


Who are you a slave too?

When we think of this word “slave” we tend to think of kidnapping young people from Africa, bringing them across the ocean to the Auction Block, and selling them to other men. Slavery has more negatives than positives, but is something that has been around for centuries! Slavery goes as far back when Joseph was sold to an Ishmaelite caravan from Gilead, by his brothers. During the Greco-Roman era, slavery was part of the social structure; and it was so common it was never questioned by anyone. One fifth of the empire’s population were slaves, totalling as many as twelve million slaves at the outset of the first century ADWhen someone had debt in the Ancient world it was voluntary servitudeWhen a person owed a debt… that person would fulfill the debt by working it offThroughout the Old Testament we see that slaves were to be handled humanly and taken care of by their master.  “You are not to rule over them with harshness……” Leviticus 25:43. Exodus 21:20 says, “If a man beats his male or female slave with a club and the slave dies as a result, the owner must be punishedColossians 4:1 says, “Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.


Steve Lawson wrote this when we think of the word slavery as it pertains to our own individual lives, “Every person in the world is a slave. One may live in a free country with freedom of speech and liberty to pursue happiness. But the fact is, every person is a slave. This slavery is not a political or economic slavery. This slavery is a spiritual bondage, either to sin or to Jesus Christ. No one is free to live however they choose to live. All live in slavery to one of two masters, either to sin or to the Savior. Whose slave are you?”


Paul uses this word “slave” in the same context when he said, “Do you not know….” (v16) If we present ourselves as slaves to sin…. the outcome is death. If we present ourselves as slaves to obedience…. the end result is righteousness. The believer’s sanctification is a pursuit of Christ’s righteousness, meaning “pursuing righteous living” because of the new birth. Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 5:20. Pursuing a righteousness that is greater than the Pharisee’s ever could imagine which only comes from Christ Himself. As His adopted children we are told to pursue His righteousness in this way, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matt 6:33


This is the quest that all true believers are on.


Paul uses this well-known and controversial word “Slave” to expose our hearts to the truth of Gospel as it pertains to who our master truly is. Paul uses this word to get the attention of his listeners, to think about this question.

“Who is the master of your life?” 

Is it your master Sin, or is your master Christ?

“Slave,” is found seven times in these remaining verses. It is found twice in verse v16, once in verse v17, once in verse v18, once in verse v19, once in v20, and once in v22


“Slave” It is translated from the Greek word “doulos”, which means ‘one who gives himself up completely to a master.’ This word for slave is different from the word for servant. A slave is much lower than a servant. In (v15-v16) Paul says “What then? Are we to sin….” “we” is an important word, this is plural pronoun, Paul is referring to believers, not unbelieversThe verb “sin” means to continue to live in sin as a lifestyle. In (v16) Paul again answers that rhetorical question with a big….. NoWe are not under law in the sense that we have to obey it in order to earn our salvationBut, as believers, we are under the law of God to obey it in our sanctification. The Ten Commandments are still quoted in the New Testament as binding upon our lives. This is where Paul uses the word “slave” as an analogy because the people listening would be familiar with this word “slave”.


Quick historical background! “At this time, there were millions of slaves in the Roman Empire. It is estimated that in Italy during the Roman Empire, somewhere between thirty to forty percent of the population were slaves. In the entire Roman Empire, at a minimum, ten to fifteen percent of the population were slaves that were owned by masters. There was probably a larger portion. It was not a racial issue, because slaves came from every different color of skin and every ethnic background. In fact, some people became bankrupt and were forced to sell themselves to a master in order to work their way out of debt. The master who bought them would give their debtor the money, as the only way the bankrupt one had to escape his debt. There were slaves of all different kinds. If you were born to parents who were slaves, then you were born into slavery and were a slave as well. It is estimated that there were somewhere between five to seven million slaves in the Roman Empire.” Steve Lawson

Paul compares your standing before God with, “Who is your master?” There are only two answers to this question and one of them leads to destruction; where the other leads to eternal life.


Are You An Obedient Slave To Sin?


Sin is a transgression against God’s Law and so it is rebellion against Him, this results in spiritual, physical death and separation“Spiritual death” meaning “alienation from God”, this is experienced by unbelievers. “Physical death & Separation” are two in the same, which is final separation from God in the Lake of Fire. A slave to sin is a person who is an unbeliever, who receives wages for his work. The just payment of working for sin is death – spiritual death and eternal death. John Owen in his book “Modification of Sin” speaks about four strategies that sin uses to entice, entangle, and ensnare our affections.


1. Sin distracts us from watchfulness by pointing out our recent victories. Owen said “If you recently escaped some temptation or another, watch out. Sin is preparing the third assault. (The second assault has already happened: it's how good you feel about yourself for having defeated the first assault.)”


2. Sin presents itself as desirable and satisfying. It appeals to our most corrupt affections and desires. It uses what Scripture calls "the fleeting pleasures of sin" (Heb. 11:25).


3. Sin shows the bait, but hides the hook. He says, "Sin deceitfully hides the danger that attends sin. It covers it, just as the bait covers the hook."


4. Sin argues with us. Like a slick lawyer, sin presents a case for itself.


And unfortunately if we do not heed the warnings it can have terrible consequences. “…and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” James 1:15 What Paul is saying is.....To be in bondage to sin is to bring about an eternal judgement, everlasting torment by a holy God, who must do what is right………….PUNISH SIN!

Is sin your master?

Does the person who is enslaved to bondage of sin and

death realize the danger they are in.


It is said that a dismissive young man once remarked to a preacher in mocking fashion, "You say that unsaved people carry a great weight of sin. Frankly, I feel nothing. How heavy is sin? Ten pounds? Fifty pounds? Eighty pounds? A hundred pounds?" The preacher thought for a moment, and then replied, "If you laid a four-hundred-pound weight on a corpse, would it feel the load?" The young man was quick to say, "Of course not; it's dead" Driving home his point, the preacher said, "The person who doesn't know Christ is equally dead. And though the load is great, he feels none of it"


A person who is a slave sin and death is ……. 

Ignorant to Biblical truth.

Destructive in nature & speech

Prideful and arrogant when confronted with wrong.

Diluted and deceived by the present world system.

Skeptical about everything.

Angry all the time.

Unbelieving all the time.

Arrogant to truth


Today many people, even professing Christians are 

“slaves to the wrong master”


Usually you hear this coming from a person who is engulfed or knee deep in… 


Passion for riches

Keeping up with the Jones

Abusive to their family

A Workaholic

Obsessed with personal pleasures

Idolatrous, Narcissistic, empty inside.

Town gossiper

Angry and bitter all the time

Keeps a record of peoples wrongdoing

Judges people without really knowing them or their situation……………………And the list is endless


But don’t forget about the dangers of this "The person who doesn't know Christ is equally dead.

And though the load is great, he feels none of it"

Are You An Obedient Slave Of Righteousness?


Slavery in Christ is not some vague response or commitment; it’s a commitment to live a certain way from now on. Paul says the believer “For when you were slaves of sin,” (v20) This refereeing to past tense, your old nature, the old you. Paul says in (v22)But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.” Referring to present and future tense. Your heart has now been transformed because of the gospel through the Written Word which has set the captives free. “to the standard of teaching” or “form of teaching” (v17b), this is referring to a specific pattern of teaching, Christian ethics, based on the teachings of Christ. A pattern of teaching that Paul passed down to Timothy, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 

2 Tim 3:14-17


This is why Paul expresses the word “Slave” it’s a position that they could understand as it pertained to their natural disposition. This helped the believer to grasp the divine truth that we have been set free from the bondage of sin and deathThis deliverance results in a righteousness which begins at the moment of our salvation. We know this is true by what Paul states “But thanks be to God” (v17- v18)


Do you understand what this means?

God kills the “Old man” and produces a “new life”. He takes a slave of sin and makes him or her, a slave of righteousness. (v18) “freed from sin” this is only possible through the gospel, not an act done by human hands, but the free gift of GodInstead of offering the parts of your body in slavery to impurity, offer them to your new Master, Christ, as slaves of righteousness.


The fact that we have been freed should

be fixed in our minds.


Gil Rugh wrote in regards to Paul’s text. “Anyone who says he is a believer but says he cannot do anything about his sinful conduct is deluding himself…he is an unbeliever. When an unbeliever says he is controlled by sin he is telling the truth since he cannot do anything about this sin. But for the true Christian that is not the case. The gospel has set us free from the power of sin.”


The Gospel has transformed our lives and we are no longer under sins curse….So Stop Making Excuses For Your Sin“Sanctification.” is the pursuing reality of personal holiness in the life of a believer. Becoming more like Jesus Christ and less like me, this will produces results of sanctifying growth in godliness.


Our real need today is to implement the truth found

in Romans chapter six.


When we fall, dabble in sin we need to flee/repent, and rest in this truth that is before us this morning. If you and I have fallen into this trap, the solution is still the same. You do not have to be under the authority of the old master, because it has no power over you. The problem is….. when we are enslaved, we tend to stay, and then that pleasure begins to consume us.


The Puritans called this “bosom sins”  The Puritans state, “Bosom sins are those sins that we most cherish and stubbornly cling to. Even when we have rid ourselves of most other sins, there may be some that we like to hold on to. But do not be deceived. Sin is a terrible master, even though it is a master whose power has been broken. You do not want to go backwards and give him any rope to entangle you.”


The only solution is turn to Romans six because “God has declared us free.” We are never to use this “Blood bought freedom” to succumb to the old flesh in unrighteousness, remember what it cost for you to be set free. Sin will always be at war with you…. and this isn’t an easy way of life, it will be a battle……. daily. Paul said, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.” Gal 5:17. Paul in the next chapter does into great detail about this war. “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” Rom 7:18

Who are we being obedient too? Sin or Christ?


Paul tells us that everything we do is to be done out of adoration

towards our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ For what he has done on the cross! By breaking the chains that held us in bondage to sin and Satan. Peter said, His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,” 2 Peter 1:3. The Psalmist wrote, “He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart.” Psalm 107:14. We serve a might King/Master, who demands our complete obedience and allegiance to Him!


Why? Because we are His slaves and He is our Master. The Christian home....the workplace.....the local church.....the Christian life are to be places where we live as obedient slaves of Heaven. Why? Because our Master is seated on the Throne in all His glory and we are His representation until He comes back again! As the Hebrew writer so eloquently put it, “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe,” Heb 12:28


Who are you truly representing as a slave to? 

Who truly is your master? Right Now 

We must present our eyes to God, what you are looking at throughout the day. You must present your ears to God, what you are listening to throughout the day, because it is affecting your spiritual life. You must present your mind to God, what you think about during the day. You must present your feet to God, where you go and where you travel. You must present your tongue to God, what you say to others. You must present your hands to God, what you lay hold of and what you do. From the top of our head to the bottom of our feet, every member of your body must be continually presented to God. Every aspect of our lives must be presented to the lordship of Christ, like a priest offering a sacrifice onto the altar.


Your life must no longer be in your hands, but given over to God. 

If God hates sin! I must hate sin as well.

If God is love! I must hate what is unloving.

If God is holy.....I must hate what is ungodliness.

If God is just! I must hate what is wicked and wrong.

If God is true! I must hate what is untrue. 

It’s saying no to the master of sin!

When the world is saying yes!


Slaves of righteousness declare that the child of God is free from the bondage of sin and death. 

I am not dead, but made alive in Christ Jesus.

I sit with Christ in the heavenly places.

I am God’s workmanship.

I am unable, but the Spirit of God will produces in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I am not under condemnation.

I am a child of God.

I am not in bondage to fear.

I will be glorified with Christ.

I am saved in hope.

Where I am weak the Spirit helps me.

All things work together for good.

If God is for me, who can be against me?

Jesus is in heaven and He makes intercession for me.

I am more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves me.

Nothing can separate me from God’s love.


Freedom from sin, means freedom for righteousness,

freedom for eternal life. (v21-22)


The other freedom is no freedom at all because according to Paul, “the wages of sin are death” (v23) This means “the more they sin, the more they earn”, and what they earn is what? Death. We have been set free, remind yourself this truth in chapter six, but don’t use this freedom as a means, or an excuse, to sin. The freedom we have and the gift we have, is not earned, but given; and this is why it’s Good New, because it leads to eternal life. As Jesus said “therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” John 8:36. This is our Master in whom we belong to. This Master delivers us, and produces a joy that brings to the heart of the one who continues in His truth.


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