Matt 6:25-34


Here is the gracious promise as the remedy/the vaccine for worry and anxiety. “Therefore” meaning going back to what was previously said “Because of this” you are not to worry. Why Because of this transient earthly treasures do not satisfy. Because of this our moral and spiritual vison is easily darkened. Because of this a choice must be made in whom you will serve. Because of this the Kingdom requires your complete attention. So therefore because of this….In God’s providence He has supplied the necessary food that the birds of the air need. In God’s providence He also supplies the necessary clothing

that the landscapes of our world needs.


And in the midst of His providential plan and care; Jesus reminds His image-bearers, that they are more valuable than them. All the intricate detail that God puts into His creation is extended more so to His image bearers. In His divine providence and sovereignty God supplies all that we need (not want) but need for our daily life. But unfortunately we say “We know all this” but are still “worrywarts”. We ponder the “what if” and fret over them more than trusting and resting in His provisions for even the simplest of things. Why? Even the finest attire of kings doesn’t even come close to the beauty that God has created in the array of beautiful colors that cover our landscapes and world. In (v29) we see God’s providence over the beauty of creation and that even Solomon in all his human glory and power is not as beautiful as one of these flowers. Solomon on his best day doesn’t even come close to the beauty and color of God’s handiwork. This is done through the providence of God as Jesus says “It is our Father who adorns the flowers with the beauty they display.” And if God orchestrates them Jesus gives another question “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (v30)


What is Jesus saying here?

Like flowers and the grass of the field don’t last forever; one day there here and the next they are gone. When their short lived beauty fades, they serve no other purpose than to be thrown into the “Oven” some versions say “Furnace” ….Oven would be a better translation. Because ovens were used in this way to cook breadFor example: Such ovens were made of hardened clay and were used primarily for baking bread. When a woman wanted to hurry the baking process, she would build a fire inside the oven as well as under it. Fuel for the heat was composed of dried grass and flowers. This is the point Jesus is making “Once the flowers beauty was gone it had little use except to be burned up as fuel for baking.” (v30) If God is so detailed about His creation and what they serve and what purpose they fulfill while they are here.


How much more is God concerned about

your life and mine?


How much more is He concerned to cloth and care for His very

own children who are destined for eternal life?


The overall message that Jesus is making here is that worry solves nothing but only leads to sin and disbelief. Worry tends to fog the doctrinal truths about who God is. And Jesus says “Look here and observe there. Do you not see God working in all those things and yet your Father cares more about you then them.” To be anxious, to worry, to strangle or choke oneself, is sinful, but it also demonstrates an unbelief in God sovereignty and His providence.


“O you of little faith”

What is Jesus saying? The root of anxiety is inadequate faith in our Father’s future grace. A person may have saving faith, but he or she does not have faith that relies on God to finish what He has begun. Have we forgotten these truths? As Paul said “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil 1:6. The Hebrew writer wrote “Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Heb 13:20-21. Paul said “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Cor 1:3-9


“O you of little faith”


Charles Blondin was a world famous tightrope walker who was the first person to tight rope across the Niagara Falls, and he did it more than once. He believed that a ropewalker was “like a poet, born and not made.” 1100 feet long and 160 feet above the ground, tight roping across the most visited place in North America that drew crowds by the thousands. There were times he would walk across the falls blindfolded, on stilts, carry a man on his back, even stopped midway to sit down to eat an omeletOn one occasion he pushed a wheel barrel full of rocks where the people were and dumped the rocks. Then Blondin asked a question “Do you believe I can put a person in this wheel barrel and push him across this type rope?” The crowd cheered with anticipation because they believed he could do it. Until he asked the next question! “Which one of you will get into the wheel barrel?” The crowd went silent; all those cheers turned people into professional mime artist.


What is the difference between us/ the church and

the crowd in regards to God?


The crowd said “We believe in God, we believe in Jesus and he died for the sins of the world, they even believe there is a new world coming. The question is! Are you in the wheel barrel or are you standing on the shore? To stand on the shore is safe, simple and can become complacent at times. We can either stand on the shore in the comfort zone, stay in the boat where it’s safe. Or we can step out of the boat and get into the wheel barrel and walk with Jesus trusting in the His providential plan and sovereignty over my life. To get out of the boat is what drives you daily and my question for you is


“Who is the most important in your life?”

This is a gentle rebuke…… and I think more so towards us! You believe that God can deliver you from the bondage of sin and death, release you from the stronghold of Satan’s grasp. You believe that He has prepared a place for you for all eternity. But you also believe… that He won’t even supply the basic needs of today and tomorrow. We rest securely in our eternal residence but refuse to rest in Him for our daily needs. Remember that Prayer I said an unsaved person couldn’t prayer! Because they truly can’t.


So why is that we trust in God over our salvation

but not for “Our daily bread?” (v11)


See worry strikes a blow at God’s love and integrity, that He displays over His children and over His creation constantly. This is why Paul prayed this for the believer. “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might.” Eph 1:16-19. Worry should have no place in the life of the Christian. Because even the unsaved world seeks after these things and God in His providence knows you need them.


John MacArthur said “Worry is inconsistent with our faith in God and is therefore unreasonable as well as sin.”


God cares for you and always will but worry buries that truth under a pile of anxiety.

We are all prone and susceptible to this response. For example we see in Scripture that Peter worried about many thingsHe walked on water and the waves made him worry….Matt 14:30. He was worried that Jesus might not pay taxes….Matt 17:24. He worried about who would betray Jesus……John 13:24. He worried that Jesus might have to suffer, so he rebuked Jesus once….. Matt 16:22. He worried when the mob came after them in the garden and he used a sword to defend Jesus…..John 18:10. All these worries only lead Peter to one conclusion many days later; that Jesus can take care of himself and that He also takes care of me/PeterAs Peter wrote “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. This means that God is mindful of you and me and that He thinking about you. This is why Jesus says in (v31-32) “Therefore”; Because of who He is and what He is over, you have nothing to fear or doubt a sovereign God.


What are we to do? Answer is found in (v33) First seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. As R C Sproul said “It may be the most important verse in the entire sermon on the Mount.” He doesn’t say ignore your concerns and think they will all disappear, but focus your thoughts on the Father’s Kingdom. “First seek” is another present imperative, this means a continual quest for God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness. This seeking comes with limitations! This promise is to the child of God, not to all image-bearers. It’s Jesus who provides the necessities we need, not luxuries. It requires self-sacrifice for His righteousness.  This is what takes priority over everything in your life and in my life; without questioning or reservations. As Paul said “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith." Rom 1:17. The righteousness of God, which is revealed in the Gospel, is what keeps us, His faith gives us the right to seek the kingdom.


The redeemed seek after God, they continual press on despite their present circumstances. The number one priority of the Christian is seeking after His kingdom and His righteousness. Disclaimer! Not to get what you want and for everything to go away just because you seek, because some Christian starve and suffer and dieGod knows the world is seeking after these things; peace, prosperity, health, joy, love, rest, happiness, but they seek them in all the wrong places and in the wrong manner. (v32)


That’s why the Scriptures say “as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one." Rom 3:10-12


Only those who continually seek His Kingdom and His righteousness will find those truths in Christ alone. The principle truth is that we are to seek His kingdom and His righteousness despite the outcome or the victory. We set our hearts towards the Heavens where He is in all His glory and splendor. We don’t worry like the lost because we are kingdom bound and focused.


Our worries must not sound like the

worries of this world.

Remember what Jesus already said previously? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matt 5:6. This involves humility, stepping out of the boat seeking after Him in all areas of life personally, family, material and so on. This is the one who is “Approved” by God as they seek what is most important over what concerns them in the moment. Because as Jesus says "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (v34) We don’t worry about tomorrow, so we need to repent of that. And we can’t change yesterday, because it’s goneWhy? Jesus says today has enough of its only trouble , so why fret, worry about what has already happen and what hasn’t yet.


It’s unavoidable so why worry now.

We are to continually chase, seek after His kingdom and His righteousness. This doesn’t mean we give up and don’t plan and take each day seriously and not plan our next move. What this means is that we prepare but not with anxious hearts. Worry will not destroy tomorrow’s trials, but it will destroy today’s blessings as we rest in His grace over our lives.

 It will sabotage our strength for this day 

and minimize our faith in Him.


As Kent Hughes said “Do not live in the future. Live now. Put your arm around your wife right now. Take a walk with your child today. Enjoy the life God has given you. As Jesus said “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matt 6:33. This is the main business of the Christian we don’t stop seeking His kingdom…..and do not borrow trouble. From the day of our conversion to the day we are glorified….we seek after Him first.


Yesterday is history

Tomorrow is a Mystery

Today is gift given by a holy God


“Therefore do not be anxious

about tomorrow.”


So! Rest in His sovereign providence over all life and things. The question for us is this! Are you standing on the shore or are you going to get out of the boat Christian?


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