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We MUST Go. God commands us to! What is Evangelism? lit., "a messenger of good" (comes from the Greek word “angelos”, "a angel or messenger"), denotes a preacher of the Gospel," (1 Cor 1:17) We are to be Witnesses. This comes from the Greek word “martur”. This is a person who is a witness in life, and by death. From which we get the English word “martyr”. A witness is one who has heard, seen, experienced, and knows the truth of a person or event. (example I John 1:1-5). Why do we evangelize? Here are 10 reasons why we must evangelize this lost and broken World 1. The Bible clearly teaches it. (Mark 16:15-17) 2. God clearly practiced it. (Matt 28:18-20) 3. Jesus clearly practiced it. (John 3 & John 4) 4. The Holy Spirit clearly gives us the ability to proclaim it. (1 Cor 2:1-8); (John 14:26) 5. The Gospel clearly calls for it. (Gal 1:1-11); (1 Cor 1:13-17) 6. The apostles clearly lived it. (Gal 2:20); (Acts 2:14:24); (Phil 4:9) 7. The world clearly needs...