Are the Heathen Lost?
Do You Care About the Lost? By Mike Andrews Every time I think about the events that took place when Noah was commanded to build the ark, this event really grieves my spirit. Why? Because God poured His wrath on the whole world due to their wickedness, and ignorance of His holiness and grace. The Bible says " And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth..." (Gen 6:6). Sorry! What a sad statement by a holy and perfect God to say that He was sorry for creating human life. How tragic to have to make the statement "The world is so wicked and terrible I must destroy it". Imagine the screaming of voices and the clawing of the people as they tried to get in to the ark. That must have been an unimaginably horrible event in history. Sadly, He is going to do that again. There is going to come a day when God is going to pour His wrath on sinful man once again, but in the meantime He sent His Son to fulfill His wrath by putting Him on the cross to please Yahweh (Isa...