John 14:1-6 We don’t have to travel far to see people with troubled hearts. A troubled heart occurs when it comes to…. The possibility of losing your job or income. Health issues that not only affect you, but those who love you as well. The death of a loved one Bills, bills, bills and the rising cost of living in today’s economy. Divorce and the shattering affect it produces. The rising crime rate in our country. The major problems happening in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas. The intolerant pressures of the Alphabet movement. The major rise of fornication and porn exposure at such young ages. Political corruption in our country The continued killing of innocent life in the womb as a means of health care. The massive breakdown of the family today. Fighting amongst genuine Christians in churches over issues that have no eternal value. The enormous amount of complacency and apathy in the church today And the list is end...