John 12:34-50 In this fallen world system, every human being in his or her fallen condition suppresses the Light of this world. They suppress the truth about God and mostly the truth about their natural condition before a holy God. The reason for this is that man loves darkness and hates to be exposed to the Light of truth. So, mankind will do, and try, anything to suppress that truth from ever creeping into their lives. That can be done by using devises so you cannot see, or hear, with what is going on around you, as you comfortably sit in the reality that you have created for yourself. That is the heart of these people, for the most part. If we were honest with ourselves, the same could be said of our present world system ; if we were present at the time of Jesus. Its into the darkness that the Light of the world came , Jesus Christ. He was THE LIGHT of sense/wisdom, He brought the message of salvation for God t...