John 6:60-71 There is a word that describes an action that every parent, husband, wife and child would hate to hear, or see happen in their lives. This word is “abandon” By definition this word means “to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship. To give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a project; to abandon hope.” The definition of this word is very final in thought, and in action, and this is exactly what we see in the multitude of people who were following Jesus do. And its not because of Jesus and what He taught, but because of the sinfulness of mankind and their rebellion against the Truth, and against anything pure and holy. The crowd begins to walk away because what Jesus said was too hard for them to understand, or it was too demanding and not what they expected . Again, they had misplaced affections that blinded them to the truth and to whom Jesus truly w...