John 5:30-46 The main purpose of the Scriptures is to testify of Christ, helping us to come unto Him and receive eternal life. The glory of Jesus Christ shines more clearly when we see Him in His proper relation to the Old Testament and in the fulfillment of the New Testament. How powerful is the Scriptures? A W Tozer said "I did not go through the Book. The Book went through me." The Scriptures has the power to convert the wickedest and vilest of sinner. You and I are living proof to that. How powerful is the Word of God when it’s in the hands of a hungry believer? D L Moody wrote, "The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives". The Scriptures will create a person with a new heart that is passionate for God, and His church, for people to know Him. It will give you the ability to have a love for the lost, and supply the enduring strength to be an obedient follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the work