
Showing posts from 2024


  John 13:36-38   Pride is a terrible quality to have and the Bible says pride always goes before the fall.   Solomon wrote “Pride goes before destruction [a fracture, or a crash] , And a haughty [proud, arrogant] spirit before a fall.” Prov 16:18.  What does that mean?  As it was when the angels that sinned against God in the beginning, which lead to Lucifer, and his fallen angles, to removed from heavenly places.  As Adam and Eve who, were not content with their present state and circumstances , fell to the desire to be like God, knowing good and evil.  It means that our arrogance can at times cloud our judgement and our limitations.  Why?   Our pride blinds us in thinking we can handle anything when it is thrown at us.  But as the Proverbs says, there will be a fall if were not careful to recognize our inabilities apart from Christ, and Holy Spirits work in our lives.  This is why Paul warned the Christian chur...


  John 13:31-35 A new commandment Jesus gives to His disciples, to which is passed on to all those who are His. “Love one another” (v34)  To love one another is to love fellow believers as Christ loves us.  Those who love like Christ in the Holy Spirit’s power, will give evidence that they are disciples, or learners, of Jesus Christ.  The early church demonstrated this commandment well as the Roman society took notice of them. “At no other time in the history of Christianity did love so characterize the entire church as it did in the first three centuries. And Roman society took note. Tertullian reported that the Romans would exclaim, “See how they love one another!”  Justin Martyr sketched the commandment of Christian love this way. “We who used to value the acquisition of wealth and possessions more than anything else now bring what we have into a common fund and share it with anyone who needs it. We used to hate and destroy one another and refused to...