1 Peter 2:13-25 My title is the ultimate answer to the text of Scripture that is before us this morning. But! There always problems when you approach a text of Scripture like this. The preacher might try and make a case to define what Peter said ; or try to explain what he was really trying to say. There is a problem when you approach a text of Scripture like this as a believer. We tend to focus on the complete opposite teaching of this passage, and we look at Civil Institutions as enemies of the true Christian faith. And to some extend that is true ; anything worldly will always be at odds with the Biblical worldview. But what Peter is saying before us this morning gets twisted to fit our personal convictions, and narrative of the times we live in. For example, we tend to focus when we are to disobey , rather than obey those who are over us. And we justify this by setting our focus on….. The courage...