Romans 13:8-14 Love is a demonstration of fulfilling the Law through the finished work of Christ on the cross. Brian Chappell said in his commentary “Mere outward conformity to the Law is not what God requires. The person who does what God says with a resentful heart and begrudging obedience does not bear the mark of the true child of Light. The heart renewed by the Spirit desires to please God, is anxious to find out what He desires, and is motivated by the sense of bringing God pleasure.” And it’s this love that has called the church to wake up while they still have opportunity. Godly love does not harm their neighbor Godly love fulfills the law and this love is to be taken seriously as you and I become more and more like our Savior. We are surrounded by sinful practices from all sides; we are not immune to the dangers around us, and Paul knows this to be true. Paul says “you know the time” (v11) There is dange...