Job 10:1-22 A well know psychologist William Moulton, surveyed three thousand people and asked the question “What do you have to live for?” 95% of those polled said they were enduring the present while they waited for the future. They were simply waiting for something to happen. Some were waiting for their children to grow up and leave the home. Some were waiting to take a long desired and well-earned trip to forget about the present. Some were waiting for another year to begin to start over. Many of them polled said “They were waiting to die.” What is sad about some of these answers is this! All these people who took the survey and answered were waiting for tomorrow without realizing that all they have is today. What do I mean? Yesterday is gone, and for many people tomorrow will never come. We know this is to be true, look back to this past week; you don’t even have to go back to last month or last year. Just this past week ...