
Showing posts from August, 2018


Habakkuk 2:20 I want you to ponder and think about what I’m about to say as we approach this portion of Habakkuk’s letter!  The ability to draw our next breath this morning is an act of divine mercy by a holy God, who owes us nothing other than justice for our behavior.  God’s holiness is what separates and makes Him distinct from all of His creation.  God’s holiness is more than just His perfection or sinless purity; it is the essence of His “other-ness,” His transcendence.  God’s holiness exemplifies the mystery of His awesomeness and causes us to gaze in wonder at Him as we begin to understand just a little of His majesty.  See we owe Him everything for our past, present and future state, as image bearers of God.  What I’m trying to say and I’m going to be graphic!  If God allowed the roof to cave in on us this morning we cannot claim injustice .  R C Sproul said this “One of our basic problems is the confusion of justice and merc...


Hab 2:6-19 We live in a “Me” centered culture and our society affirms, endorses and sways such behavior in the culture to think this way on a daily basis.  We live in a society that believes.  I take what is mine and I don’t care who gets in my way, because I’m special, I desire it, and I deserve it.  I want, I want, I want and if I don’t get what I want, you are going to hear me roar like a two year old child at the department store.  Pride is what causes us to connect every experience and every conversation with ourselves.  It’s that person who must be the center of the conversation or the center of the universe.  In a sense, pride is the sin beneath every other sin, because at its core pride is “self-worship.”  What makes pride so dangerous is that it can be subtle, perverse, and sometimes undetectable.  Certainly there are people whose pride displays from them as if it were a badge of honor.  In some cases, this happens unknow...


Habakkuk 2:1-4 “A story of a 3 year old boy named Todd went to fly his kite one day. Never having flown a kite before Todd, obviously had doubt about the kite ability to fly at all. But his father was with him and assured his son that at all is well and the kite will fly as planned. As Todd unraveled the string and watched the kite go up in the air, his father heard his son say to himself “I knew it would fly daddy, you said it would.” A simple statement that has profound implications!  Something as simple as trusting your dad about the ability of a kite to fly is the same principle we learn from this letter as we approach chapter two.  Sometimes this is hard to do, as we have seen so far in life of Habakkuk.  Here is a man who struggles to reconcile his theology of God with the word of God that been revealed to him by God.  Trusting our Heavenly Father despite the circumstances has its moments but we are none the less are to trust in God’s perfect p...