Hab 1:5-11 Habakkuk opens his prophetic letter lamenting about the deplorable state of Judah. This lament reflects a heart that is deeply concerned for his people and to see the Word of the Lord honored by God’s people. We need to understand that Habakkuk is “flaming angry” as R C Sproul says in his book “The Holiness Of God” with the present situation. He is so heated that he goes over the top a little bit when he laments and says “Justice never prevails”. Now! I’m sure there are some things where injustice is awaiting final overhaul, but to say that justice “never” prevails is going a little overboard. We sometimes feel that way that when justice seems silent and the wicked seem to get away with murder. Again, some cases fall through the cracks of the legal system, but a good number of crimes committed big or small, have been brought to justice. We have this idea that some people are getting away with sin and God has turned a bl...