Eph 6:1-4 The family is a wonderful and precious gift to us, from God! The family is a place where we can find comfort, protection, wisdom and love and the occasional argument and disagreement. But dad is always right though! The family is a place where you build memories and traditions that will carry with them as they have their own family traditions. [e.g. family vacations or those special traditions you do as a family at Christmas time. Nothing is better than a strong family life as you grow together, preparing the next generation and the next and so on. John Bunyan said “If you want to be a godly head of a family, you must ensure that there is Christian harmony among those under you, appropriate for a house where the leader fears God.” But! Something is happening to the family! The family is drastically changing more and more by the influence of today’s postmodern world. With its “Self-centeredness”, “Freedom of Express...