John 6:60-71 There is a word that describes an action that every parent, husband or wife would hate to hear or see! A word called “abandon” By definition this word means “to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship. To give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a project; to abandon hope. We are about to see this word in action as the crowd begins to walk away because what Jesus said was too hard for them to understand or to demanding and not what they expected. Again they had misplaced affections that blinded them to the truth and to whom Jesus truly was and why he came in the first place. This is a sad part of the conversation that Jesus had with the multitudes! Why? The bible says they walked with Him no more from this point on. To me, this is very sad, maybe it because I’m a preacher. Not only are we about to see that they walked away from the truth, but they also...