Pride Kills The Soul

Hab 2:4-20 We pretty much live in a “ME” centered culture......I want what I want and if I don’t get what I want, I will behave like a spoiled little brat until I get what I want. Do you know a person like that? That individual that can tell a better story then you. A great example of this is a show Brian Regan did [here is the link] . His story trumps your story! It's t hat individual who seeks the center of attention in a group and wants everyone to notice them wherever they are. We have people like this all over the place! I've worked with people like this and have seen it on many occasions in the past. It doesn't matter where you are whether it's in church or the grocery store..... ”ME MONSTERS” are all around us. Perhaps there might be a “ME MONSTER” in here this morning? See the underlining reality to a "ME MONSTER" is that it comes down to one truth! They ...