Where is your heart today? Is your Christian walk a persevering one?, or is it one full of doubt? Maybe its e ven unbelief because of a certain situation or circumstance going on in your life? When you fall into trials, what do you do? 1. Do you lose your cool? 2. Do you take it out on others? (Family, friends, Co-workers 3. Do you break things, us fowl language? 4. Do you get angry with God? 5. Do you throw in the towel, give up? Better yet do you: 1. Rejoice 2. Praise God in it? 3. Persevere through it? We always need to remember, our Heavenly father is always with you through each and every trial, and He will always see you through, if you have genuine faith. (Luke 8:15) As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience. John Piper said “When God calls you to be free from fear as you do evangelism, as you take a test, as you face an interview, as you take a stand against an unjust business prac...