John 15: 1-8 I was thinking about the latest caption on our MBC sign, especially on the side that faces north which says “you may have religion, but do you have Jesus” That is an amazing question to ask those who pass by and read! Why? It’s one of those statements that really make you think or at least it should when it comes to your eternal soul. See when I see a statement like this it makes me think if Jesus was walking with His disciples in 2014 and they came across our church sign, would He expound a truth to that caption with His disciples? Would this call for yet another one of Jesus’ spiritual moments? The reason I say that is throughout the ministry of Jesus, He always had a way of using what was before Him to illustrate a truth to His disciples. When the Priests performed their rituals during the Feast of Tabernacle by pouring out water and then Jesus cried out “If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink” When they lite the to...