
Showing posts from September, 2024


  John 9:35-41 The people have observed another miraculous healing of the man born blind was an astounding display of His/Jesus’ divine power, and life- changing event for the formerly blind man.  But something we need to understand is that this man’s physical sight was not all the Lord was planning to give him on that life changing day.  Jesus granted, yes granted, him spiritual sight as well, this is evident when the young man “worshipped Him” (v38)  This was a gospel moment as well as a teaching one. Blindness is used throughout Scripture to represent the fallen man’s inability to comprehend divine truth.   We read in Isaiah, “Bring out the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears!” Isa 43:8   Jeremiah describes the blind as foolish, “Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not.” Jer 5:21   Isaiah revealed the leaders of his day were blind watchmen, “His watchmen are blind; they are a


  John 9:1-41   Around the globe we see and hear that sickness is a universal problem and it affects all ages, all religions and all ethnic groups.  No one on this planet is exempt from the possibilities of sickness, even from birth.  Ever since the fall of man, all physical problems are a result of the fall, for Adam’s disobedience and rebellion has brought sin and death onto the world.  Paul wrote “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned .” Rom 5:12.  Death is mankind’s end on this earth, and that includes all types of sickness, pain and suffering.   Massive outbreaks of disease have destroyed the lives of millions.   In the fourteenth century the infamous Black Death (bubonic plague) killed an estimated one-third of Europe’s population.  In the nineteenth century during the Civil War, that twice as many soldiers died of disease as were killed in combat.  In the twentieth cent