THE GREATEST PRAYER EVER SPOKEN John 17:6-19 This prayer contains some deep things which are hard to understand , but absolutely wonderful and the Scriptures are plain on these truths for the Christian faith. And these things that are hard to understand is this….. The Lord Jesus does things for His believing people which He does not do for the wicked and unbelieving. (v6-v10) The Lord Jesus does not pray that His believing people to be taken out of this world, but to be kept from the evil of it. (v11-v19) Lets look at the first thing this week. Jesus prays for….. The Lord Jesus does things for His believing people which He does not do for the wicked and unbelieving. What is before us is something that specially hated by the world , and that is that Jesus helps the believer by special intersession . Jesus says, “I pray for them, I pray not for the world, but for them whom You have given Me.” J C Ry...